His gaze became upon his daily trailing
along the lattice tired for no holds.
It seems to him as if an endless railing
assures, beyond no further world unfolds.
The mellow walk of limber, wicked paces
that twists around an evanescent ring
appears as dance of force in central spaces
in which a raucous will forgets to fling.
Yet sometimes, when the pupil’s drape continues
to open, then an image slips inside,
perambulates the tensely tacit sinews
and loses in the heart its light.
Das Gedicht bezieht sich auf dieses fremde Gedicht:
Der Panther
Das Gedicht findet sich in folgenden Kategorien:
"Adaption", "Allgemeine Reime", "Düster bis Stürmisch", "Fremdsprache", "Liedtext"
Das Gedicht findet sich in folgenden Büchern:
"Stachels Festungspostille II"
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